The pleasure offered by food is as eternal as the passion aroused by literature.Traditional ingredients, from across time and space, have passed over different territories, not only inheriting and witnessing different cultures, but also being constantly revitalized because of social innovation and technological progress. They are everlasting, just as ancient books are. Just as reading each time delivers nutrients to the soul, tasting food each time talks with the entire history of human civilization.
“ 将感情埋藏得太深有时是件坏事。
It is a bad thing sometimes to bury your feelings too deeply. If a woman conceals her feelings for the man she loves, she may lose her chance to get him.
“ 幸福一经拒绝,就不值得我们再加重视。”
Once happiness is rejected, it is not worthy of our attention.
“ 假装谦虚是最虚伪的表现,
Pretending to be modest is the most hypocritical behavior, because it may be the beginning of slapstick talk or backhanded self-praise.
“ 太受人器重有时候需要付出很大的代价。”
Importance may sometimes be purchased too dearly.
芝士蛋糕,据知是源于古希腊,在公元前776年时,为了供应雅典奥运所做出来的甜点。接着由罗马人将芝士蛋糕从希腊传播到整个欧洲。在 19世纪跟着移民者们,传到了美洲。如今成为风靡全球的甜点。
“Cocktail”这个词在1748年美国出版的“The Square Recipe” ,书中的 “Cocktail”专指混合饮料。禁酒令反成催生剂19世纪 发明制冰机以后,有人将冰块应 用在调酒上,于是冰凉美味的现代鸡尾酒立刻向全世界扩展领域。
The writer’s work changed our concept to the past, and surely,
will change the future. -- Jorge Luis Borges
The thoughts that Great books carry have an everlasting vitality.